A Amanda achou que eu devia saber isto sobre o meu horóscopo!!!!!

For October 22: You're so ready to take a flying leap forward. You can feel the wheels turning faster in your heart and soul. You yearn for a fresh start, something that has meaning and totally engages you - and you're about to get it. By tonight, you'll be several steps closer to manifesting that goal. The next 30 days will demand a lot of effort and thought from you but will reward you by producing something of superb and lasting value. You're not looking for easy - you're looking for adventure and an exciting challenge that tests your imagination and ingenuity.

Fonte: uma revista de gajas que a Rita, amiga dela, lê!


Anónimo disse…
Friends are so amazing and irreplaceable this week. You cannot believe your luck. Your friends are as supportive as the very best sister or brother you could ever hope for. You've built your life forming very meaningful bonds with others. You don't often make demands of them, so when they offer support or assistance, it's out of love and friendship. How perfect and glorious is that? Nine times out of ten, they don't expect or want anything in return. You are very rich in incomparable friends. Count your blessings, Sagittarius.

Olhem que eu começo a acreditar nisto!! :)))

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